What We Do

We are occupying an imaginal, lived, and generative space for healing…


This work is the result of over a decade of research and development in ideas that are currently in transition from theory into grounded, dynamic, and functioning co-creativity.

The Regenerative Footprint is a framework to incentivize and participate in beneficial patterns of human agency in symbiosis with life.

Simply put, it is an indigenous lens for the stewardship of economies, ecologies, and societies at the community scale.

This pattern has also been named: the Symbiocene.

Check out our current project here…

interests, components + common threads:

Circle of Law / The Children’s Fire + Living “7 Generations without harm” + Water Stewardship + Rights of Nature + Democratization of Energy + Organic Food Sovereignty + Seed Banks + Decolonization strategies + Dismantling Structural or Systemic Racism + Universal Labor Rights + Zero Waste + Cradle-to-Cradle + Open Sourced Tech+ Holistic Economies + Liberation Culture / Embodiment + Data Sovereignty + Somatic and Bio-Ethical Responsibility + Flow States + Ecstasis + Catharsis + Permaculture + Conciliation + Reconciliation + Restorative Justice + Reparations + Landback Movement + Social Permaculture + Artivism + Holistic Self-Care and Communal Care Spaces + Regenerative Education models + Women’s Rights + Visual Data + Sense-Making + Bioremediation + LGBTQIA(+) Rights + Slow Food Movement (w/ accessibility) + Restoring Planetary Boundary breaches >>>managing Phosphorus / Nitrogen / Carbon + Watershed care+ MMIW+ Lateral Decision-making + Decentralized decision models + Animal Sovereignty + Art as Responsibility + Art Installations or Environments + Neuro-Diversity + Emotional Intelligence and Alchemy + Climate Resiliency + Decentralized Measures for a Livable Climate + Sibling Bioregions + Inter-Generational Equity

presently…we are interested in the incubation and development of a program for creating sovereign Regenerative Culture.A local space geared towards relationships with self, others, and planet rather than just transactions:

The Tenderheart Principle

This program was created to allow communities to locally co-arise with tools to adapt and innovate their own cultures by curating amenities and experiences towards life-affirming connections.

In a world which only seems to value either what we can produce or purchase, it is a radical task to begin shifting towards a culture of meaning and relationship where apathy, extraction, and the conditioning towards hyper-consumption is brought to decompose.

Moving beyond the systems and values of extraction cannot be accomplished with opposition to them alone but through experiences of embodiment and connection.

We propose common spaces to examine and redefine our cultures as individuals and communities. Spaces to heal, thrive, embody, and connect.

  • Small is EVERYTHING

    Often our thinking about living into a friendlier future is diluted by the assumption that it is up to our leaders to fix. As the task of a just transition continues, it will likely evolve to create beneficial responses across borders, nations, economic systems, and ideologies as a whole. But the orchestration of our basic needs at the local level with ecological reciprocity is a starting place for this task.

  • Growing into the movement

    The challenge before us is to build out a capacity for accessible tactics of stewardship that are not only for ecologies but people. The issue of carbon is only one thread in our existential crisis. The key to our resilience is not going to be any ONE solution but plural and mycelial networks of collaboration.

  • Community is not just a buzzword

    Community is very nearly a catch phrase these days but in reality, it is a woven nest of living relationships. A forest is a community just as much as a neighborhood is a community. It is the local fabric for experiences of connection, the flows of equity, kinship, and impact.

“the heart that breaks open can contain the whole universe.”

Joanna Macy